12: Unsatisfied
This was a live recording. William discussed last week’s news and what it means to be a liberal.
This was a live recording. William discussed last week’s news and what it means to be a liberal.
This was a live recording. William discussed the week’s news and fighting over free expression.
This was a live recording. William discussed the week’s news and US foreign policy, in honor of Memorial Day.
This was a live recording. First, William discussed the week’s news. Then his long-time friend John joined the show and they discussed abortion.
This was a live recording hosted by William. He discussed the week’s news and the pain of living a modern life.
This was a live recording hosted by William. He discussed the crisis in Venezuela, the Mueller report and social media de-platforming.
This was a live recording hosted by William. He discussed current concerns over immigration in a personal context and environmentalism as religion. Then he spoke with Jeff Wegerson (Twitter: @JWegerson), a lefty community blogging buddy from over 10 years ago. They discussed a lot including electoral politics, political blogging, global warming, a system that works and money.
This was a live recording hosted by William with no guests. He discussed religion etc on Easter 2019.