Category: Uncategorized
about those sunset provisions i mentioned earlier. i wish i could find a collection of all of his writings.
more words bout our next president, damnit. i met him up in Milwaukee last weekend at the WI democratic convention. inspiring, personal, just overall impressive. i also made flyers, but was lazy and didnt pass them out on sunday like i was plannin, cept for my mom and dad. he is bein attacked by both sides now, so he must be doin well.
no, but we can’t do that
i noticed that dean doesnt mention much about his family history. i mean he has said that his dad was rich, but he is as blueblood as bush. i read that, and it upset me. i read this, and i decided again to do whatever i can to get him elected. and well i just found this. i really need to make my own.
just wanna say one more thing about tax cuts, republicans, and responsibility. we all hear alot from the republicans about how less money for the government will mean it will get smaller and there will be less waste. how it will necessitate the end of wasteful programs and no more money will be allocated for bad new programs. we all know that might not happen, as the debt can just be expanded. but my bigger concern, cause they claim it is always theirs, is how this is just a most irresponsible way to shrink govt and make it more efficient. face up to what you think should get pitched and just vote no. explain yourself. otherwise you will just often end up blaming others for spending and being shamed into supporting programs you might not believe in, especially if you are unwilling to take a principled stand and explain to your constituents why you feel that way. the current ‘starve the govt’ approach is simply weak and prone to failure.
i must admit, i havent read this yet. goin down to hyde park to find the best way to support the man.
way too many games get played. conservatives say tax givebacks need to be permanent to help people plan their financial lives, but then they sunset these tax plan changes to make them seem less costly to the federal budget. then they say tax cuts increase revenue and at the same time say it will help to limit the size of government. at what point before zero do tax cuts limit revenue? then you hear the current slump bein blamed on clinton and then the prosperity of the past couple years bein credited to the republican congress. have we found WMDs as the pres says, or not as our military on the ground there says? maybe i need to just stop tryin to understand my enemy, and change the station.
this idiocy should be enough to get them out in 2004. im sure it will be explained away soon enough.
found this, guess it might still change tho.