hey, my computer is working. now im running 98 and the date means it should have crashed. anyway, long time since last entry and i just want to say a couple of things. the house is really coming along as a number of rooms are painted and im gonna look into carpeting soon. place is gonna rock. thinking about the music industry, and how artists make little off of their own CD’s. MP3’s should be freely distributed so more artists get heard. artists would tour more to get money, and tour in festivals if they couldnt do it on their own. to get the booklet and full CD or DVDA, as may come about, you could go to their web site or amazon.com or something like that. artists would need companies able to produce the media, but otherwise less conglomerates would control the industry. the radio would be less repeats as no big company would push images or certain sounds. maybe it would all stop sounding alike. more new stuff and more efforts by artists to put out quality product. kinda a return to innocence. ill talk more about this utopia later.