why are there still so many sexist and racist, and especially heterosexists in the world today? it seems society still thinks gays are okay to discriminate openly against, but we shouldnt kill or torture them anymore. glad weve progressed so far. this is really sickening to me. i need new friends, or at least to find a way to spend more time with the more accepting ones. my girlfriend is heterosexist, but somehow that is okay cause its part of her religion. fuck religion. it justified whatever society needed it to at anytime in history. people think racism and sexism is less rampant, but i think it is just more hidden. i never met jesus, and so ive been told different things about him and god and such. but i prefer to think that people can accept each other, and realize all the other shit is crap. so i like to think jesus was just a man who did this. i guess ill go to hell for this

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