Category: Uncategorized

clear as day. the bush white house explained that they wished to focus less on osama than had the previous clinton in april 2001

Last week, Dean offered up a blunt assessment of al-Qaida’s terrorist attack in Madrid: “The president was the one who dragged our troops to Iraq, which apparently has been a factor in the death of 200 Spaniards over the weekend.” from a piece in salon. the man is the man, sayin the truth, lettin the media just freak the fuck out.

so i have an idea. two problems with one stone. in chicago, and elsewhere too probably. get rid of all the little taxes/fees and get more affordable housing built, all by making the property tax structure more progressive. it is these fees and crap that help to deter folks from living here, while avoidable taxes decrease business. a more progressive property tax, done well, should shift housing construction and renovation from upper-income to more middle and lower-income dwellings. something most of us claim to want.

because a market needs rules to function, capitalism here is structured by democracy. and where does a large middle-class come from? a nice comprehensive piece

one much less apocalyptic view of the social security issue. i think it is the one nader holds, as it jives with what he has been saying the whole time.

“That this house notes with sadness the 10th anniversary of the death of Bill Hicks, on February 26th 1994, at the age of 33; recalls his assertion that his words would be a bullet in the heart of consumerism, capitalism and the American Dream; and mourns the passing of one of the few people who may be mentioned as being worthy of inclusion with Lenny Bruce in any list of unflinching and painfully honest political philosophers.” – Stephen Pound MP; Parliamentary House of Commons
aw, the british

because the mad cow was not a downer like they said, and the USDA is somehow about both profit and safety