the best news on howie dean’s position on israel. perhaps its evolving. lieberman claims its an unsettling viewpoint, but i say its only rational. it has been one of my points of disagreement with dean, that he totes the line on israel with everyone else, both sides, down the line. there aint much there, but that the writer checked with the dean camp, and they didnt deny a different view, is good in my opinion.
Jeremy Ben-Ami, Dean’s policy director, said Dean believes “when you try to negotiate peace, you have to negotiate with both sides, you have to recognize legitimate claims on both sides.”
and just a little more for those confused folks out there…
The United States so far has not found any weapons of mass destruction and it has yet to prove a link between deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida, accused of masterminding the Sept. 11 attacks.