Podcast: Culture War Radio

62: Communitarianism

William spoke with Dean Reiner for an extra long time about just about everything, leaving no time for music or news, again.

61: A Cultural Conversation with Mr Frank

William spoke with Dennis Frank about growing up and being a dad, David Foster Wallace, the great books, movies and music. And then afterwards as almost always, news and music.

60: Dennis Has One Hell of a Life Story To Tell

William spoke with Dennis about his unusual life story and his perspective on current events. Then two weeks of news and new music.

59: PhoneBoy Speaks

William had a long conversation with PhoneBoy about so much…including his background, health, technology, COVID-19 and No Agenda.

58: A Dude Named Monk From Delaware

William spoke with Ben about his background, the educational system, balancing the good and bad of tribalism, and much more.

57: Is Ron Still A Republican?

William spoke with Ron, a friend of over 20 years.

56: Alex Is Working To Make Us More Free

William spoke with Alex Gleason about his work to make the #fediverse a better place for everybody, and why it’s so important.

55: Donald Got the COVID

William took a deep dive into the life of his friend Donald Jones and his experience with COVID-19.

54: Jen Does Real Journalism

William spoke with Jen Briney, host of the fantastic “Congressional Dish” podcast.

53: Fetch The Cave Dwellers

William played music and covered the last week of news.